Sunday, February 21, 2016

Digital Blog #C Chapters 5 and 7

Digital Blog #C Chapters 5 and 7

Discussing and reflecting upon plagiarism, intelligent tutoring systems and concept mapping.

1.) Plagiarism

One of the biggest dirty words in the writing world would have to be plagiarism. As a student, I cringe at the thought of the word. We, students worry so much about plagiarism, I actually think it would surprise teachers, or at least I worry about it. Plagiarism is the direct copying of someone else's work and passing it off as their own. The most frequent forms of plagiarism, come from a person trying to quote or copy another's words.  In fact, in today's fast pace, technological world, plagiarism has grown in conjunction with the growth of technology. I find it hard to believe that we can eliminate plagiarism completely. But we can take steps to minimize the problem. As a teacher, I feel compelled to fight fire with fire, if you will.  Using today's technology, teachers are using sites like, to electronically scan a student's paper for any stolen work. We can also take preventative measures before the problem of plagiarism occurs. We an work on a student's critical thinking skills. By teaching students to analyze information and form their own opinions and answers, if done correctly, can provide fewer opportunities for plagiarism. I for one, am in favor of a critical thinking class that will actively seek out their own answers instead of copying someone else's thoughts and ideas.

2.) Intelligent Tutoring Systems

An intelligent tutoring system is a relatively new software program that has been introduced to the education field. Through the actions of the student, the computer records one's answers and makes predictions about the students knowledge level. Using the predictions, the computer then adjusts it's information and practice problems to fit the academic need of a particular student. This changes the teaching game tremendously! We are now able to effectively target each student's problem areas while still being able to teach the class as a whole. Studies have show that the intelligent tutoring systems have effectively improved the learning abilities of students. In my future classroom, I would love to introduce this piece of technology to my students. As the name suggests, it would provide the extra tutoring a student may need in a particular subject. I  know when I was growing up, reading and writing were my strong suit, while math was my weakest. I know that my parents would have appreciated this piece of technology for me. Both, teacher and student can see the progress of the student quicker than ever. I believe the teacher's biggest goal is to make sure the students are learning. Actually, I would hope that everyone believes this, for the sake of mankind. And with the help of intelligent tutoring systems, we can help students grasp the material a lot fast and without the anger and upset from a frustrated student.

3.)  Concept Mapping

Concept mapping is a software program that allows a student or teacher to outline their thoughts and ideas virtually, with graphs, charts, etc. Basically it is brainstorming only via computer than paper. I believe that I can incorporate this into my classroom for students that may not work well with brain storming on paper. This software can eliminate blocked thoughts and lack of creativity that some students may have when putting a good old pen to paper with the use of interactive tools. I face a dilemma, in the sense that sometimes I have difficulty relating to people that have had difficulties learning new material, as I have always excelled in school. I, myself, also prefer to put pen to paper. I enjoy writing my thoughts down, to have a physical copy. In fact, before typing up this assignment, I wrote a rough draft hard copy. While the physical element of a writing on paper is favored personally, I understand that not everyone favors what I like. Trying to accommodate each students educational needs should be at the forefront of every teacher's  plans. As a teacher, I can also use this tool to transfer my pen to paper with this software as well, to create a more clean and organized thought process. Concept mapping is a wonderful tool that an benefit both students and teachers.

Concept mapping (follow to see a concept map I did about this assignment)

I believe in giving the correct tools for success to everyone. With these three concepts introduced to my classroom, I believe I will be doing just that for my students.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. - Brainstorm and Mind Map Online. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2016, from

Friday, February 5, 2016

Digital Blog #B

Digital Blog #B Chapter 2 and 3: Combing constructivism and constructionism, student centered learning and cooperative learning