Friday, February 5, 2016

Digital Blog #B

Digital Blog #B Chapter 2 and 3: Combing constructivism and constructionism, student centered learning and cooperative learning

Throughout chapter two and three, I was able to pin point three concepts that I would like to implement in my future class. As you will read, all three concepts I have chosen happen to all link together.

1. Consructivism and Constructionism

As teachers become more involved with technologies in the classroom, they tend to follow one or combine the following four learning theories; Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, and Constructionism. I believe I would be most successful with combining constructivism and constructionism in my own classroom. Constructivism makes the claim that everyone interprets the world in different ways. Which would also imply that each person will construct a learning environment unique to them. Now Constructionism is a learning theory that coincides with constructivism, as this theory emphasizes that each person builds their own knowledge. So it only makes sense that if a student is interpreting the world around them, then they would be building their own knowledge, from their experiences. As a teacher, I can introduce my students to interactive computer programs that cater to these two learning theories. A program that allows the students to create their own ideas and allows those ideas to become the main focus. This will also create an environment where students can invest more time and energy into the subject at hand. As I am writing this, I can only give you as the most perfect example. Mrs.Coleman, you've given us a list of digital tools to add into this assignment. One of those tools was creating a comic strip. I have created a comic strip and presenting it through a video with the help of the digital powtoon. What a perfect example of combining these two learning theories.

2.  Student centered teaching

Student centered teaching, also going by another alias of problem based teaching. No matter what name you prefer to call this concept, it is clear as to what it actually focuses on, students! This concept uses the approach that active engagement of students will problem solve, not only on an academic level but also in real life scenarios. It is with this concept that such active engagement will focus on building a student's critical thinking skills. As a teacher, I can use technology to strengthen those skills, through online game play. I mean think about it! Every online game created, even the non educational ones, involve problems that must be solved with critical thinking! I believe through game play, such as, puzzles or role based games, a student's will to win increases interactive involvement. Thus also increasing a student's critical thinking skills. I aim to not only teach my students the obvious information provided by schools but to also make that information stick with them. Increasing their involvement will increase their reading and writing skills, along with critical thinking skills. I am a firm believer in making sure every student has the tools they need in life to achieve success. I believe student centered teaching will help me obtain this goal.

photo credit to

3. Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is essentially group work. Students working together in small groups on assignments or projects. In order for cooperative learning to work properly, teachers must ensure an environment that is well organized and clear.  What I mean by clear is, a clear understanding of what is being asked of the students. Group work breaks up different tasks and assigns each student to a particular job. working together gives the students the ability to exchange knowledge that they wouldn't originally get in a traditional teaching environment. Students collaborating  with one another will also prepare for the real world, where everything involves group work of some kind. I believe cooperative learning used in a real world environment will create successful employees, IF done properly. So why not do the same for students for academic success! In my own academic career, cooperative learning has evolved over the years. In elementary school, groups were split up for centers. Each group working on a different assignment. While in middle and high schools, group work would divide the same assignment into different sections, and each member of the group got to write a section of the project. I will utilize cooperative learning in my classroom to ensure every student's involvement in class.

I'm sure it is clear by now that I favor any concept that allows students to me more engaged with learning. I am very passionate about students having fun while learning. I believe a student will have a much higher success rate in school and in life if they have a little fun with what they are learning. So if a little game play or group based projects need to happen in my class, well I'm all for it! I can only hope other teachers will recognize what works for their own students. Because in the end its the students that matter.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

PowToon - Brings Awesomeness to your presentations. (n.d.). Retrieved February 05, 2016, from

Piktochart Infographics - Piktochart Infographics. (n.d.). Retrieved February 06, 2016, from

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